The best and most bleaching types of face masks

Explanations about face mask

Facial mask today is beneficial for your skin's vitality and beauty and youth, and it's not in doubt, but with regard to its results, the mask of honey and cinnamon is the best face mask. You can easily make this face mask in your home. Provide this facial mask from natural ingredients that is available in all homes. It's best to put it on your face for 10 minutes in the morning, and then see its amazing effects on your skin. Note that the ingredients needed to make a beautiful, young face mask of half a tablespoon of cinnamon is half a teaspoon of Indian nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix the honey and cinnamon masks together in one bowl. Put it on your skin for 10 minutes. You may feel burning on your skin for a short time, but endure because the result is delightful. Wash your face with water and then cool on your skin. After 5 minutes, the effects of the face mask can be seen. Note: People with skin diseases should not use this face mask because they may cause sensory and itchy honey in the face mask. In this article, you are bold about the best and most bleaching types of face masks with Honey and Baking Soda for Wax and Dry Skin Hope to be considered.
Cranberry Facial Mask

To prepare a cranberry mask, you will need a number of blueberries and a second cup of yogurt.Shake the blueberries and mix with yogurt. Then apply the mixture on your face and rinse it with warm water for 15 minutes. Do the week before going to bed. This mask is suitable for all skin types. Caution: If you are allergic to blueberries, you are not sure. Be sure to test it before using it in another part of your body.
Mask for face papaya and honey

Papaya mask and honey: You need a second cup of fresh papaya and a teaspoon of honey. Shake the pieces of papaya first and then squeeze until a thick and smooth paste is obtained. Then add the honey to this mixture, until it is completely sucked then, paste or mask obtained on the face Apply and wait for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water and rinse it again with a towel; use the mask every night before bedtime. This mask is very suitable for oily and normal skin. Caution: Pepin can cause sensitization in some people. Do not use this mask if you have allergies to papaya and similar products.
Aloe Vera Facial Mask

You need an Aloe Vera leaf and two tablespoons of rice flour. First open the Aloe vera leaf and drain the gel inside. Afterwards, rinse the rice in the gel, and massage it slowly in a circle on your skin; wait a few minutes, then first with warm water and then Wash with cold water. With a pad, dry your face and use a moisturizer, it's best to use this scrub in the afternoons, you'll notice the extraordinary effect of this scrub after a little while. This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Caution: Do this slowly when using a scrub; Excessive pressure can damage your skin.
Portugal skin mask

The skin mask of Portugal is dried and yogurt: You need some porridge and a tablespoon of yogurt. First, put the skin of Portugal for two to three days in front of the sun to dry. Then, change them and then powder. Combine a tablespoon of powder obtained with yogurt to make a smooth and relatively flat batter Thickened. Apply the mask and the paste to your skin, and rinse with warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can do this every night before going to bed. This mask is suitable for all skin types.
Facial mask with rice juice

When rice is brewed, do not throw away its water because rice juice is rich in nutrients that have many benefits and properties for both the skin and the hair. For example, you can use it as a toner, facial cleanser, mask, or even a cure for reducing acne scars or facial blemishes. Rice water mask for young skin and face skin especially used to close and shrink open pores in Far East and East Asia.
Tomato Mask Mask

Tomato Mask, Yoghurt and Oatmeal: You need a tomato, a teaspoon of fresh yogurt and a teaspoon of jumbo. You should first cut the tomatoes and get the juice. Then add the oats in a bowl and mix the tomatoes and yogurt thoroughly, then clean the skin and apply this mixture to your skin. And After 20 minutes, rinse it with warm water and you can use this mask, preferably two to three times a week. This mask is very suitable for oily, normal and complex skin.

thanks to : ماسک صورت


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